Lessons from Dogs–Love One Another

  While I was in St Lucia, I befriended this pair of island dogs.  They seemed to be brothers, coming up on a year old, one fluffy with down-turned ears, and the other sleek and red like a dingo, with upright ears. I watched as they ate someone’s lunch tossed out...

Eyes that say “I love you”

I first heard about the new studies regarding increased oxytocin release when dogs and their owners gaze at one another from Linda Tellington at a TTouch class.  Oxytocin has been called the cuddle hormone, the hug hormone, the bonding hormone, and the trust hormone,...

Love the one you’re with

Sometimes when I am away from my beloved dog, I find companionship with some of the earth’s other creatures.  Here in St Lucia, we have been getting morning visits from a small bird, who was first arriving to devour big patches out of the tops of the banana bunch on...

The one thing I can’t live without…

I am away from my little corgi Trystan right now, as I could not bring him out of the country with me for vacation.  How many of us miss our dogs when we are at work or out of town?  According to author Rupert Sheldrake, there are overlapping morphic fields between us...