Today, April 22, marks Earth Day! It began in 1970–I was young then and recall entering a poster contest for kids to advertise Earth Day. At that time, America was polluted with gas emissions from cars, factory and industry wastes, and the environment took a back seat to prosperity. I was living by a lake that had been polluted by a nearby chemical plant, and it later became a Super Fund site.
Rachel Carson’s bestselling book, Silent Spring, was published in 1962, and I read it at the time I was making my poster for the first Earth Day. I, and now billions of others, have become conscientious custodians of the environment since then. Earth Day’s founder, Gayford Nelson, a U.S. Senator from Wisconsin, was inspired after a massive oil spill in 1969, to take action to bring attention to the plight of the environment and our planet. Soon after the first Earth Day, the Environmental Protection Agency was established. Today, Earth Day is celebrated across the world by more than a billion people. With climate change, the Volkswagen emission scandal, and deforestation, there is still an urgent need to inspire change with compassion and love for the Earth.
Pay attention to the Earth today when you are with your pet. Spend time outside by taking a walk with your dog, or bring your bunny out for a graze on the lawn. Sit quietly in appreciation of nature as spring surrounds you and your pet. Observe how your dog or horse interacts with nature. Work in your garden with your dog. Or sit by a window with your kitty and notice what she watches outside. Do a TTouch Heart Hug by making a circle and a quarter with your crossed hands over your heart as you feel compassion and appreciation for the Earth. Love the Earth as much as you love the animals in your life that are your bridge to the natural world.