For those of you anxiously awaiting my book’s release, it will be leaving for the designer next week. It will take her about a month to do the design, finish the back cover, etc. including adding nearly 40 pictures to the text. From there, it will take the publisher about 2 weeks to get their work done, so I am looking at early to mid-November for it to be available to you!
I will be setting up a way for you to purchase the book from my website, (where this blog is generated), with pre-orders also, in the coming weeks. It will be available from Amazon, and my sister, Dr. Judy Morgan’s, website ( along with her other amazing books and products). Dances of the Heart–Connecting with Animals will be ready to fill your Christmas gift needs, and in time for you to read when you have a few days off for the holidays.
Linda Tellington-Jones wrote a wonderful review of the book in the recent “Staying in TTouch” newsletter, and I will post that here as well next week.
Thank you to everyone for your patience and support in the process of making this book a reality!