“Sally Morgan joins the ranks of authors in the TTouch family who share their experiences of TTouch with animals and their people.
On the plane from Los Angeles to Washington, D.C., I had my first chance to take a peek into Dances of the Heart—Connecting with Animals. OMG! I was hooked from the introductory sentence onward and could not stop reading. It gave me a warm fuzzy feeling like being curled up around a crackling camp fire on a warm summer night by a lake, enchanted by Sally’s heart-warming stories of her life with animals, told with humor and passion and a deep appreciation of life as a cancer survivor.
Not only do her stories elicit deep emotions, she drops informative tips throughout the chapters, like the banana chips she uses to leash-train her bunnies. Sally brings a unique perspective to the human/animal connection, combining her experience as a teacher, a physical therapist, a craniosacral therapist for animals and people, and Tellington TTouch practitioner for humans and animals.
She began her adult life as a school teacher and has been a Tellington TTouch teacher for horses for almost 30 years, introduced by her problem horse Burgers. She began applying TTouch for companion animals in the 90’s before we had a certification training program.
I love the way she weaves training tips she applied to her beloved corgis who have inspired her to explore many healing and training modalities for dogs and horses. TTouch inspired her to pursue a career as a physical therapist for humans, and that led to CranioSacral therapy with the Upledger Institute where she was invited to develop a program for CranioSacral therapy for animals.
All this knowledge is deepened by her sharp intellect and passion for constantly learning, enriched by her lifelong love of animals shared by her mother and her close connection with her sister, a holistic veterinarian. The blessing she received by attending monthly cancer-survival support groups with the legendary Dr. Bernie Siegel will speak to many survivors.
This book will be one of my book club choices and is an absolute must-read for all of you who love animals!”
Linda Tellington-Jones, author of Dressage With Mind, Body, and Soul and The Ultimate Horse Behavior and Training Book
Many thanks to you Linda for your appreciation of Dances of the Heart–Connecting With Animals!