I had the pleasure of seeing two of my Dales pony clients this week. I have been working with Ladd for several months, first for injuries when he slipped on ice into a parked car, and more recently for a fight he had with another horse. I have done Craniosacral, myofascial release work, and TTouch with Ladd, and given his rider TTouch homework. I have also done Emotion Code work to help him release emotions he had trapped from his fight with the other horse. On this visit, it was wonderful to work with him with my friend, veterinarian Mark Restey (shown here with Ladd), who has been treating him with acupuncture and cold laser. This week, we also had Lisa Damon with us, to provide some homeopathic remedies for Ladd as well. His caretaker and rider, Meg, recognizes the importance of having an entire team to treat and assess her horse, and makes an effort to schedule everyone on the same afternoon, to get the benefit of all of our perspectives to put together a program to help Ladd. Ladd has just finished recovering from Lyme disease as well–the ticks here are quite abundant.
I also met Meg’s new mare, Pippa, shown here after her session. She is still recovering from a difficult trip to her new home, that left deep muscle spasms in her hind quarters. Pippa can now lower her head in a relaxed way, lifting her back, after the release of some of the spasms in her hind quarters. She is settling in with a new pasture mate, and getting to know Meg.
Dr. Restey and I often consult on animals and co-treat, and he agrees that it is invaluable to have a team working together to insure optimal health and wellness for your animals. Do you have a body worker for your pet? Does your pet have a chiropractor? A nutritional expert? Who is your vet and do you have a good rapport with him or her? Who is your dog’s trainer, or your riding instructor, and has that person met your vet or your pet’s body worker? Even a phone or email conversation can be quite useful.
Who is on your pet’s wellness team?